Sunday, June 10, 2012

Scavenger Hunt - June 10

1. Travel

2. Silly

3. Black and White

This is a black and white picture of our three dogs
waiting to come inside - 2 black and 1 white.

4. Spots

Among the clouds and trees, there is a spot of sun.

5. Paper

There is a desk under all of this paper


Holly said...

Love your spots pretty!

Tamar SB said...

Great picture for travel! That is a lot of paper too!

Nicki said...

That silly is silly - love the travel shot and the dogs - so cute.

Karen said...

Spot is so pretty. Great photos.

Ida said...

Nice set.
Travel is my favorite
Silly is very fun
Paper - That's usually the way my desk looks too.

Kim Cunningham said...

I love travel! You captured the theme well!

Ashley Sisk said...

Beautiful composition for travel.