Saturday, June 16, 2012

Sunday Scavenger Hunt - June 17, 2012

This is the Scavenger Hunt for this week.
All pictures were taken today so that this week's
hunt is a Strawberry Picking Theme.
It was lots of fun

1. Meet Me At The Corner

The corner of the strawberry field.

2. Mother Nature Meets Technology

A large solar panel in the middle of the field.

3. One Step at a Time

Following Dad down to the best picking spot.

4. What's Wrong with this Picture?

One of my beautiful daughter's with an odd shaped strawberry.
Here is a closer view - below.

Is it a strawberry or a bunny?

5. Standing Tall

Right beside the strawberry field is a field of wheat that is standing tall. And,
in the middle of that field, a lone tree also stands tall.

The fruits of our labours ... literally! 

See more peoples interpretations of the prompts here:


Andrea Dawn said...

Aww . . . your daughter has a lovely smile. Good job getting all the prompts at the strawberry fields. Will you be making jam? strawberry shortcake?

Tamar SB said...

Great pictures! That strawberry is so funny!

Chicken Licken said...

Super shots, I love that strawberry! We picked lots a few weeks ago too and made jam, cordial and pies! Delicious

Karen said...

What a fun day! Thanks for sharing it.

Unknown said...

Now I want strawberries! LOL!
Nice set & what a fun day!

Kay Rhodes said...

Beautiful your adorable daughter!!! So photogenic!

Alex Green said...

That strawberry is so neat! It really does look like a bunny :)

The Lady Okie said...

Is it bad that I still think that weird-looking strawberry looks delicious? :)

Kmcblackburn said...

That LAST shot is such a beautiful, yet simple, striking.

Ida said...

Yum! - I love fresh strawberries and our local berries have arrived. We don't have U-Pick here anymore but as a kid I picked berries in the summer to earn money. I loved your daughter and the bunny shaped berry.

Ashley Sisk said...

Strawberries do end up coming out with some interesting shapes don't they?